declare @time datetime
set @time='2016-07-01'--最新的电Call记录统计查询
--SELECT t.zuoxi1,t.PhoneCount,t.PhoneCountSC,t.zuoxi2,t.RegUserCount,t.zuoxi3,t.RechargeAmount,SELECT ISNULL(ISNULL(t.zuoxi1,(ISNULL(t.zuoxi2,t.zuoxi3))),t.zuoxi4) as zuoxi,t.PhoneCount,t.PhoneCountSC,t.zuoxi2,t.RegUserCount,t.zuoxi3,t.RechargeAmount, t.zuoxi4,t.BidAmount from(select * from ( --坐席号/电话个数/通话总时长select zuoxi as zuoxi1,COUNT(1) as PhoneCount,SUM(DATEDIFF(ss,jtDate,endDate)) PhoneCountSC from HUR_TelCallRecord where vdef2=1 andConvert(varchar(10),jtDate,120)='2016-07-20'--DATEDIFF(day,jtdate,'2016-06-25')<15group by zuoxi ) as tel full hash join(----注册用户数SELECT tr.zuoxi as zuoxi2,COUNT(distinct u.user_id) as RegUserCount FROM [dbo].YYD_Users_UserInfo u INNER JOIN YYD_Users_RegInfo r ON RIGHT JOIN [HUR_TelCallRecord] tr ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), RegTime,120)= '2016-07-20' AND DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')<15 AND DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')>0 GROUP BY zuoxi)as regon reg.zuoxi2=tel.zuoxi1full hash join( --充值总金额SELECT tr.zuoxi as zuoxi3,sum(amount) as RechargeAmount FROM YYD_Account_MoneyRecord m left JOIN YYD_Users_UserInfo u ON m.user_id=u.user_id RIGHT JOIN [HUR_TelCallRecord] tr ON (moneytype='充值' or moneytype='线下充值' ) and state=1 and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), paytime,120)='2016-07-20' and DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')<15 AND DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')>0 GROUP BY zuoxi) as re on re.zuoxi3=tel.zuoxi1full hash join( --投资总金额SELECT tr.zuoxi as zuoxi4,sum(amount) as BidAmount FROM YYD_Borrow_BidRecord m left JOIN YYD_Users_UserInfo u ON m.bid_user_id=u.user_id RIGHT JOIN [HUR_TelCallRecord] tr ON m.status=1 and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), createtime,120)='2016-07-20'and borrow_id in(select borrow_id from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_product<>50) and DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')<15 AND DATEDIFF(DAY,tr.jtDate,'2016-07-20')>0 GROUP BY zuoxi )as bidon bid.zuoxi4 = tel.zuoxi1WHERE tel.zuoxi1 IS NOT NULL ) as t order by PhoneCountSC desc
select * from YYD_Account_MoneyRecord order by ID descwhere state=1 and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), paytime,120)='2016-06-25'
update YYD_Account_MoneyRecord set user_id=83946,paytime='2016-06-25 10:00:41.232',state=1,moneytype='充值' where ID=12399
--投资表select * from YYD_Borrow_BidRecord order by ID desc update YYD_Borrow_BidRecord set createtime='2016-06-25 11:00:23.211',bid_user_id=83946,bid_user_account='13025874103',status=1 where ID=5820--YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo
select * from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo order by ID desc update YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo set user_id=83946 where ID=1882 select * from YYD_Users_RegInfo where ID=83946 where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), RegTime,120)= '2016-06-25' order by IDselect * from [HUR_TelCallRecord] where phone=13025874103 order by id desc
update [HUR_TelCallRecord] set phone=13025874166 where id=104212 or id=104210 or id=104212update [HUR_TelCallRecord] set vdef2=1 where id=104209 or id=104206
select * from YYD_Users_UserInfo as u where phone in(select phone from [HUR_TelCallRecord] as t) select * from [HUR_TelCallRecord] where phone=13025874103 order by id descselect * from YYD_Users_RegInfo as a where ID in(select b.user_id from YYD_Users_UserInfo as b where a.ID = b.user_id)
order by ID desc
select * from YYD_Users_UserInfo where user_id=1144select * from YYD_Borrow_BidRecord where bid_user_id =1239
select * from HUR_TelCallRecord order by jtDate desc
select * from HUR_TelCallRecord where vdef2=1 and
Convert(varchar(10),jtDate,120)='2016-07-01' order by id desc--可以查询出那个坐席号是空的select zuoxi as zuoxi1,COUNT(1) as PhoneCount,SUM(DATEDIFF(ss,jtDate,endDate)) PhoneCountSC,id from HUR_TelCallRecord where vdef2=1 andConvert(varchar(10),jtDate,120)='2016-07-01'group by zuoxi,id